Plant based turned carnivore to heal POTS - Ep 21

Plant based turned carnivore to heal POTS - Ep 21

Meghan McHallam found a way to heal herself from POTS by switching from plant based to a carnivore diet. She also found benefit in drinking raw milk. She wants to share her story about how low carb animal based nutrition helped her. She used to follow a plant based diet, but eventually realised it was making her sick and decided to make the hard change to move to an animal based diet, and quickly found her condition improved.


How the Carnivore Diet Helped Megan with POTS: A Personal Journey


  • Megan, a resident of Virginia, developed symptoms of POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) in middle school, which worsened in high school.
  • After her diagnosis, Megan decided to switch from her lifelong plant-based diet to an animal-based diet.
  • The diet change has had a positive impact on her symptoms and overall health.

Megan's Struggle with POTS

Megan's journey with POTS has been filled with challenges and frustrations. From the onset of her symptoms in middle school to the worsening of her condition in high school, Megan has faced numerous struggles.

Symptoms and Struggles

Megan's symptoms include excessive sweating, dizziness, lightheadedness, fainting, nausea, vomiting, body aches, and heart palpitations. These debilitating symptoms made it difficult for her to function in her daily life. She even had to drop out of college because her symptoms were so severe.

Throughout her journey, Megan faced a lack of support from doctors. Many doctors were dismissive of her symptoms, attributing them to anxiety or stress. This lack of empathy and understanding left Megan feeling frustrated and unheard.

Misdiagnosis and Gaslighting

Another significant challenge Megan faced was misdiagnosis and gaslighting. Doctors told her that her symptoms were not as severe as she believed and tried to convince her that it was all in her head. This gaslighting made her doubt herself and question the validity of her experiences.

Despite the lack of support and misdiagnosis, Megan persevered in her search for answers. She eventually found an amazing doctor who listened to her and provided a proper diagnosis of POTS.

Now, Megan is determined to find relief from her symptoms and improve her quality of life. She has recently started transitioning from her lifelong plant-based diet to an animal-based diet, which has shown promising results in managing her symptoms.

Transitioning to an Animal-Based Diet

  • Explain Megan's previous plant-based diet

Megan had followed a plant-based diet for most of her life. She grew up with a vegan father and felt guilty about eating meat due to her father's animal rights advocacy. However, she found that her plant-based diet did not improve her symptoms and decided to explore other options.

  • Discuss her decision to switch to an animal-based diet

After her diagnosis of POTS, Megan realised that her current diet was not helping her manage her symptoms. She made the decision to transition to an animal-based diet in order to see if it would provide any relief. She started incorporating chicken, fish, and beef into her meals, focusing on getting more protein.

  • Talk about her father's reaction and criticism

Megan's father, who is a vegan and animal rights advocate, was not supportive of her decision to switch to an animal-based diet. He criticised her for drinking raw milk and did not believe that the diet change would truly help her. Despite his criticism, Megan's focus remained on improving her health and managing her symptoms.

The Benefits of an Animal-Based Diet

  • Explore the potential benefits of an animal-based diet for POTS
  • Discuss the role of protein and how it helped Megan's symptoms
  • Highlight the improvement in energy levels

Switching to an animal-based diet has shown promising results for managing POTS symptoms. Megan's personal journey with POTS has led her to explore alternative dietary options, and she has found that an animal-based diet has had several benefits for her health.

Potential Benefits for POTS

An animal-based diet has the potential to provide relief from POTS symptoms. While more research is needed in this area, many individuals with POTS have reported improvements in their condition after transitioning to an animal-based diet. The high nutrient content, particularly protein and essential vitamins and minerals found in animal-based foods, can support overall health and potentially alleviate POTS symptoms.

The Role of Protein

Protein plays a crucial role in Megan's diet and has helped her manage her symptoms. Increasing her protein intake by incorporating chicken, fish, and beef into her meals has made a noticeable difference. Protein has been found to stabilise energy levels and reduce fatigue, which are common symptoms of POTS. By prioritising protein-rich foods, Megan has experienced improved energy levels and a reduction in heart palpitations.

Improvement in Energy Levels

Megan has noticed a significant improvement in her energy levels since transitioning to an animal-based diet. By focusing on nutrient-dense animal products, she has found that she has more stamina and can engage in daily activities with greater ease. The combination of increased protein intake and the elimination of certain carbohydrates that worsen her symptoms has contributed to her improved energy levels.

Navigating the Medical System

  • Megan's Negative Experiences with Doctors and Emergency Rooms

Megan's journey with POTS has been filled with challenges and frustrations. From the onset of her symptoms in middle school to the worsening of her condition in high school, Megan has faced numerous struggles. Throughout her journey, Megan faced a lack of support from doctors. Many doctors were dismissive of her symptoms, attributing them to anxiety or stress. This lack of empathy and understanding left Megan feeling frustrated and unheard. She even had doctors try to convince her that her symptoms were not as severe as she believed and that it was all in her head. These negative experiences with doctors and emergency rooms made Megan doubt herself and question the validity of her experiences.

  • The Importance of Finding a Supportive Doctor

Despite the lack of support and misdiagnosis, Megan persevered in her search for answers. She eventually found an amazing doctor who listened to her and provided a proper diagnosis of POTS. This supportive doctor played a crucial role in Megan's journey towards managing her symptoms and improving her quality of life. Finding a supportive doctor who takes the time to listen, understand, and provide appropriate treatment is essential for individuals with POTS or any chronic illness.

  • The Need for More Awareness and Understanding of POTS

Megan's experiences highlight the need for more awareness and understanding of POTS within the medical community. Many doctors are unfamiliar with POTS and may dismiss the symptoms or misdiagnose patients. It is crucial for healthcare professionals to stay updated on the latest research and advancements in the field of POTS to provide accurate diagnoses and effective treatment options. Furthermore, increasing public awareness of POTS can help individuals recognise their symptoms, seek appropriate medical attention, and find support within their communities.

Future Plans and Advocacy

  • Pursuing a Career in Child Therapy

Megan is determined to pursue a career in child therapy. Her experiences with POTS have inspired her to help children who are facing similar challenges. She has always been interested in psychology and has enjoyed working with kids in the past, so this career path aligns with her passion and interests.

  • Incorporating Nutrition Knowledge into Practice

Megan recognises the importance of nutrition in managing health conditions. She hopes to incorporate her knowledge of nutrition into her practice as a child therapist. By understanding the impact of diet on health, Megan can provide more comprehensive care to her clients and help them make informed choices about their nutrition.

  • Raising Awareness and Advocating for Better POTS Care

Megan is committed to raising awareness for POTS and advocating for better care. She has experienced firsthand the challenges of finding a proper diagnosis and receiving adequate support from healthcare professionals. Megan believes that increased awareness and understanding of POTS within the medical community is crucial for improving care and ensuring that patients receive the help they need.

Megan plans to use her voice and platform to share her story, educate others about POTS, and advocate for better care and support for individuals with POTS. She hopes to create a community where people with POTS can find information, resources, and support.


  • Megan's journey with POTS has been challenging, but her switch to an animal-based diet has had a positive impact on her health.
  • By incorporating more protein and nutrient-dense animal products into her meals, Megan has experienced improvements in her symptoms, including increased energy levels and reduced heart palpitations.
  • Her story serves as an encouragement for others with POTS to explore dietary changes and consider the potential benefits of an animal-based diet.
  • While more research is needed in this area, many individuals with POTS have reported positive results after transitioning to an animal-based diet.
  • It is important for individuals with POTS to find a supportive doctor who listens to their concerns and provides appropriate treatment options.
  • Megan plans to continue advocating for better care and support for individuals with POTS and hopes to incorporate her knowledge of nutrition into her career as a child therapist.

Thank you, Megan, for sharing your inspiring story and providing valuable insights into the impact of the carnivore diet on POTS. Your journey serves as a reminder that dietary changes can have a significant impact on health and quality of life. We wish you all the best in your future endeavours and commend you for your advocacy efforts. Keep shining your light and inspiring others!

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