How to help bowel and GI issues on the carnivore diet (some simple tips) - Episode 16

How to help bowel and GI issues on the carnivore diet (some simple tips) - Episode 16

Having problems with poop on the carnivore diet? You need to watch this. In today's episode we are discussing poop. That's right. GI issues on the Carnivore Diet. It happens and we have to acknowledge it. I believe many, if not most people get some issue with their bowels at the start, but usually it's pretty easily resolved. Like others I had a few issues when starting on the carnivore diet, particularly with constipation, but it was pretty easily resolved by adding in more fat.


Addressing Bowel Issues on the Carnivore Diet


Addressing bowel issues is an important aspect of following the carnivore diet. While the carnivore diet offers numerous health benefits, it can also lead to certain bowel issues that need to be addressed. In this section, we will discuss the importance of addressing bowel issues on the carnivore diet and address some common concerns and questions surrounding these issues.

Importance of addressing bowel issues on the carnivore diet

While bowel issues may not be the most pleasant topic to discuss, they are crucial to address when following the carnivore diet. Bowel issues can range from diarrhoea and constipation to cramping, bloating, burping, and gas. These issues can significantly impact your overall well-being and quality of life. Understanding and resolving bowel issues is essential to ensure a smooth and comfortable transition to the carnivore diet.

Common concerns and questions about bowel issues on the carnivore diet

Many individuals have concerns and questions about bowel issues when following the carnivore diet. Some common concerns include the frequency and volume of bowel movements, the impact of fat intake, and the role of fibre in the diet. It is important to address these concerns and provide accurate information to help individuals navigate and manage their bowel issues effectively.

Understanding Diarrhoea on the Carnivore Diet

Diarrhoea can be a common concern when following the carnivore diet. It is important to understand the causes of diarrhoea and how to address it effectively. In this section, we will discuss the definition of diarrhoea, the causes of diarrhoea on the carnivore diet, the effects of excessive fat intake and changes in gut microbiome, the role of probiotics and slow transition into the diet, and the impact of fibre intake on diarrhoea.

Definition of diarrhoea

Diarrhoea is defined as the passage of loose stools three or more times a day. However, it is important to note that even if you are going twice a day, but still experiencing issues, it can be considered abnormal. Diarrhoea can occur on any type of diet, including the carnivore diet, especially when there is a change in what we are eating.

Causes of diarrhoea on the carnivore diet

When transitioning to the carnivore diet, consuming large amounts of fat can be a common cause of diarrhoea. The carnivore diet typically recommends consuming around 75 to 80 calories from fat, which is higher than the standard American diet. Excessive fat intake can lead to loose stools. Additionally, any change in the diet can cause a disruption in the gut microbiome, which can further contribute to diarrhoea or gastrointestinal (GI) upset.

Effects of excessive fat intake and changes in gut microbiome

Consuming excessive amounts of fat can lead to loose stools. The digestive enzymes in the body may struggle to fully digest the fat, resulting in undigested stool protein and causing diarrhoea, bloating, and gas. Furthermore, any change in the diet can impact the gut microbiome, which plays a crucial role in digestion. Changes in the gut microbiome can affect the body's ability to digest and absorb food, leading to diarrhoea or GI upset.

Role of probiotics and slow transition into the diet

Some individuals find relief from diarrhoea by taking probiotics, although the effectiveness is unproven. Probiotics can help restore the balance of beneficial bacteria in the gut and improve digestion. It is important to note that transitioning slowly into the carnivore diet can also help alleviate diarrhoea. Gradually increasing fat intake and allowing the body to adjust to the new diet can minimise GI upset.

Impact of fibre intake on diarrhoea

The carnivore diet is typically low in fibre, as it focuses on animal-based foods. Critics argue that fibre is an essential nutrient and its absence in the diet can cause diarrhoea. However, fibre is not essential for survival, and lack of fibre can actually soften stools and make them looser. Meat, especially connective tissue, acts as a form of "meat fibre" in the diet and can help bind stools and provide bulk. Increasing consumption of meat products containing connective tissue can help alleviate diarrhoea caused by the lack of fibre.

Addressing Constipation on the Carnivore Diet

Constipation can be a common issue when following the carnivore diet. It is important to understand the factors contributing to constipation and how to address it effectively. In this section, we will discuss the definition of constipation, the importance of fat intake, potential causes such as excessive protein, magnesium, zinc, and sodium intake, as well as the role of hydration and exercise in preventing constipation on the carnivore diet.

Definition of constipation

Constipation is characterised by infrequent bowel movements, difficulty passing stools, or the feeling of incomplete bowel movements. It can also be accompanied by hard or dry stools. While bowel movements can vary from person to person, it is generally recommended to have a bowel movement at least three times a week to maintain optimal digestive health. However, on the carnivore diet, some individuals may experience less frequent bowel movements due to the absence of fibre in the diet.

Factors contributing to constipation on the carnivore diet

Several factors can contribute to constipation on the carnivore diet. One of the main factors is insufficient fat intake. The carnivore diet emphasises a high intake of fat, which helps lubricate the intestines and promote regular bowel movements. Inadequate fat intake can lead to dry and hard stools, making it difficult to pass them.

Importance of fat intake in preventing constipation

Consuming an adequate amount of fat is crucial for preventing constipation on the carnivore diet. Fat acts as a lubricant in the intestines and helps soften the stools, making them easier to pass. It is recommended to consume around 75 to 80 calories from fat on the carnivore diet to ensure optimal digestive health.

Potential causes of constipation on the carnivore diet

While insufficient fat intake is a common cause of constipation on the carnivore diet, there are other potential causes to consider. Excessive protein intake can lead to incomplete digestion, resulting in undigested stool protein and difficulty passing stools. Additionally, consuming too much magnesium, zinc, or sodium can disrupt the balance of electrolytes in the body, which can contribute to constipation.

Role of hydration and exercise in preventing constipation

Proper hydration and regular exercise are essential for maintaining regular bowel movements on the carnivore diet. Drinking an adequate amount of water throughout the day helps soften the stools and promote smooth bowel movements. Staying physically active, whether through exercise or regular movement, helps stimulate the muscles in the digestive tract and encourages healthy bowel function.

Frequency and Volume Changes on the Carnivore Diet

One of the benefits of the carnivore diet is the potential for improved bowel movements. Many individuals have reported positive changes in frequency and volume when following this diet. In this section, we will explore the personal experiences of individuals on the carnivore diet and discuss some of the reasons behind these changes.

Personal experience with improved bowel movements

Individuals following the carnivore diet have reported experiencing more regular and effortless bowel movements. Many have found that they no longer struggle with constipation or have to spend excessive time in the bathroom. The frequency of bowel movements has also improved, with some individuals going once or twice a day without any discomfort.

Reduction in gas, burping, and hiccups

Another notable change on the carnivore diet is a reduction in gas, burping, and hiccups. Many individuals have reported a significant decrease in these symptoms, leading to a more comfortable and pleasant digestion experience. This reduction in gas can also alleviate bloating, cramps, and discomfort associated with excessive gas production in the digestive tract.

Balanced GI tract on the carnivore diet

One possible explanation for the improved bowel movements and reduced gas is the balanced state of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract on the carnivore diet. By eliminating certain foods that may be irritating to the gut, such as grains and legumes, and focusing on nutrient-dense animal-based foods, the GI tract is given a chance to heal and function optimally. The absence of fibre in the diet may also contribute to a more stable and balanced GI tract, as it eliminates the potential for fibre-related issues such as bloating and loose stools.

In conclusion, the carnivore diet has shown potential for improving bowel movements, reducing gas, burping, and hiccups, and promoting a balanced GI tract. While individual experiences may vary, many individuals have reported positive changes in frequency and volume on this diet. It is important to listen to your body and make adjustments as needed to ensure a comfortable and healthy digestion experience.

Tips and Suggestions for Addressing Bowel Issues

Addressing bowel issues is an important aspect of following the carnivore diet. While the carnivore diet offers numerous health benefits, it can also lead to certain bowel issues that need to be addressed. In this section, we will discuss some specific recommendations and strategies for addressing diarrhoea and constipation on the carnivore diet.

Specific recommendations for addressing diarrhoea and constipation on the carnivore diet

When it comes to addressing diarrhoea on the carnivore diet, there are several specific recommendations that can be helpful. First, it is important to ensure that you are consuming an adequate amount of fat. Lack of fat in the diet can lead to loose stools and digestive issues. Adding more fat-rich foods like butter, fatty cuts of meat, and oils can help firm up stools and alleviate diarrhoea. Additionally, gradually transitioning into the carnivore diet can minimise gastrointestinal upset and allow the body to adjust to the new way of eating.

For addressing constipation on the carnivore diet, increasing fat intake is key. Fat acts as a lubricant in the intestines, helping to soften stools and promote regular bowel movements. Consuming foods like fatty cuts of meat, avocados, and oils can help prevent and alleviate constipation. Hydration is also important, as dehydration can contribute to constipation. Drinking an adequate amount of water throughout the day can help soften stools and promote smooth bowel movements.

Order of interventions to try

When addressing bowel issues on the carnivore diet, it is important to start with the simplest interventions and gradually move towards more targeted approaches if needed. For diarrhoea, the order of interventions to try can be as follows:

  1. Ensure adequate fat intake
  2. Transition slowly into the carnivore diet
  3. Consider probiotics
  4. Adjust magnesium and zinc intake if necessary

For constipation, the order of interventions to try can be as follows:

  1. Increase fat intake
  2. Stay hydrated
  3. Adjust sodium intake if necessary
  4. Consider magnesium and zinc supplementation if needed

Importance of seeking medical advice if issues persist

If you are experiencing persistent bowel issues on the carnivore diet, it is important to seek medical advice. While many bowel issues can be resolved through dietary changes, there may be underlying medical conditions or individual factors that require further evaluation and treatment. A healthcare professional can provide personalised guidance and support to help address your specific concerns.


In conclusion, addressing bowel issues on the carnivore diet is crucial for maintaining overall well-being and digestive health. Throughout this blog, we have discussed key points related to bowel issues on the carnivore diet, including the importance of addressing these issues, common concerns and questions, understanding diarrhoea and constipation, and the frequency and volume changes experienced on the carnivore diet.

For those experiencing bowel issues on the carnivore diet, it is important to remember that these issues can usually be remedied with simple interventions. By making adjustments to your fat intake, gradually transitioning into the diet, considering probiotics, and adjusting other nutrient levels, you can alleviate diarrhoea and constipation effectively.

If you are experiencing persistent bowel issues that do not improve with these interventions, it is important to seek medical advice. While dietary changes can often resolve bowel issues, there may be underlying medical conditions or individual factors that require further evaluation and treatment.

If you are currently experiencing bowel issues on the carnivore diet, we encourage you to remain patient and persistent in finding the right solutions for your body. Experiment with different recommendations and strategies, and listen to your body's feedback.

Lastly, we invite you to share this blog post with others who may find it helpful. By spreading the information and supporting the author, you can contribute to building a community of individuals who are successfully navigating bowel issues on the carnivore diet.


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