He Thought Being Vegan Would Help - But Going Carnivore Changed Everything - Ep 23

He Thought Being Vegan Would Help - But Going Carnivore Changed Everything - Ep 23

James shares his amazing transformation story with us today. He is an ex-vegan turned carnivore, and went from having severe, disabling, life-threatening symptoms to thriving and looking and feeling amazing on a Carnivore Diet.


From Plant-Based to Carnivore: A Journey to Healing


In this section, we will provide some background information about our guest and their experience with a plant-based diet, as well as their transition to the carnivore diet for healing purposes. We will also explore the motivation behind their decision to try a new approach to improve their health.

Background Information

Our guest, James, was born and raised in Bermuda and grew up on the standard American diet. While his mother was a vegetarian, his father ate meat, so they had some meat in their meals, but it was not a significant part of their diet. James went away to boarding school and then to university, where he met a young woman who was vegetarian. In the early 90s, they both decided to follow a vegetarian diet, influenced by the belief that it was healthier.

Transition to the Carnivore Diet

After years of following a vegetarian diet, James started experiencing health issues, including severe constipation, hair loss, dry skin, and brittle nails. He sought medical help but was unable to find answers or relief. Eventually, he became bed-bound and extremely underweight at just 125 pounds. Desperate to improve his health and willing to try anything, James began researching different diets and came across the carnivore diet.

Motivation for Trying a New Approach

James was motivated by his desire to live a healthy and fulfilling life for the sake of his wife and family. He had been feeling like he was on death's door and was willing to try anything to improve his health. After learning about the potential benefits of the carnivore diet and the drawbacks of a plant-based diet, James decided to make a change. He wanted to find a diet that would provide rapid healing and optimal nutrition for his body.

Early Years and Plant-Based Diet

Growing up on the standard American diet with vegetarian influences:

  • James was born and raised in Bermuda on the standard American diet.
  • While his mother was a vegetarian, his father ate meat, so they had some meat in their meals, but it was not a significant part of their diet.
  • During his boarding school and university years, James met a young woman who was vegetarian, which influenced his decision to follow a vegetarian diet in the early 90s.

Health issues that arose during the vegetarian phase:

  • After years of following a vegetarian diet, James started experiencing health issues such as severe constipation, hair loss, dry skin, and brittle nails.
  • Despite seeking medical help, he was unable to find answers or relief.
  • His health deteriorated to the point where he became bed-bound and extremely underweight at just 125 pounds.

Introduction to the vegan diet and initial positive experiences:

  • James and his wife, motivated by health and environmental concerns, transitioned to a vegan diet in 2014.
  • Initially, they felt better, lost weight, and had improved mental clarity.
  • James' wife became a certified vegan chef and started a business based on the vegan lifestyle.

Health Deterioration and Search for Answers

Despite adhering to the vegan diet, James's health conditions continued to worsen over time. He experienced a range of symptoms, including severe constipation, hair loss, dry skin, brittle nails, and brain fog. These symptoms had a significant impact on his daily life, leaving him bed-bound and extremely underweight at just 125 pounds.

Attempts to Find a Solution

James sought help from medical professionals in an attempt to find answers and relief for his declining health. However, despite running multiple tests, the doctors were unable to provide a diagnosis or effective treatment. James became increasingly desperate and willing to try anything to improve his health and regain his ability to live a fulfilling life.

Discovering the Carnivore Diet

In his search for a solution, James came across the carnivore diet. Intrigued by the potential benefits of this diet, he decided to give it a try. He believed that adding animal foods back into his diet might provide rapid healing and optimal nutrition for his body. After transitioning to the carnivore diet, James began to experience positive changes in his health.

Impact of the Carnivore Diet

By incorporating more red meat and animal-based nutrition into his diet, James noticed significant improvements in his physical and mental well-being. His energy levels increased, his brain fog lifted, and he regained muscle mass. James also found that his mood stabilised, and he felt less anxious and depressed. The carnivore diet proved to be a game-changer for his overall health and quality of life.

Transition to the Carnivore Diet

After years of following a vegetarian and plant-based diet, James began to experience severe health issues, including constipation, hair loss, dry skin, and brittle nails. Despite seeking medical help, he was unable to find answers or relief. Desperate for a solution, James started researching different diets and came across the carnivore diet.

Curious about the potential benefits, James delved deeper into the carnivore community and found a wealth of information and support. He learned about the nutritional benefits of animal-based foods, especially red meat and organ meats. Intrigued, he decided to give it a try.

Researching the Carnivore Diet and its Potential Benefits

Before transitioning to the carnivore diet, James conducted extensive research to understand its potential benefits. He learned that animal foods are highly nutritious and provide essential vitamins, minerals, and bioavailable nutrients that are easily absorbed by the body. This was a stark contrast to the plant-based diet he had followed for years, which had left him malnourished.

Starting with Fish and Experiencing Improvements in Mental Clarity

James began his transition to the carnivore diet by incorporating fish into his meals. He noticed immediate improvements in his mental clarity and thought processes. The brain fog that had plagued him for years started to lift, and he could think more clearly than ever before.

Exploring the Carnivore Community and Finding Support

As James explored the carnivore community, he found a supportive network of individuals who had experienced similar health issues and had found healing through the carnivore diet. He engaged in discussions, shared his journey, and received encouragement and advice from others who had successfully embraced this way of eating.

Incorporating Organ Meats for Nutritional Support

Understanding the importance of a nutrient-dense diet, James decided to incorporate organ meats, such as liver and kidney, into his carnivore diet. Organ meats are known to be rich in vitamins, minerals, and essential nutrients that are crucial for optimal health. By including organ meats in his meals, James ensured he was getting a wide range of nutrients to support his body's healing and recovery.

Recovery and Reflection

After transitioning to the carnivore diet, James experienced positive changes in his weight, strength, and mental state. His physical transformation was remarkable, going from a bed-bound, underweight individual to a healthier, muscular version of himself. The carnivore diet provided him with the rapid healing and optimal nutrition he needed to regain his health.

The Impact of Diet on Mental Health and Emotional Well-being

In addition to the physical improvements, James noticed a significant impact on his mental health and emotional well-being. By incorporating more red meat and animal-based nutrition into his diet, he experienced improved mental clarity, stabilised mood, and reduced anxiety and depression. This is likely due to the nourishing effect of animal fats, cholesterol, and micronutrients found in animal foods, such as tryptophan, which is a precursor to serotonin, the "happy hormone."

Reflection on the Journey and the Importance of Individual Experimentation

Reflecting on his journey, James emphasises the importance of individual experimentation when it comes to finding the right diet for optimal health. He acknowledges that what works for one person may not work for another, and encourages others to listen to their bodies and make adjustments accordingly. He urges individuals to explore different dietary approaches and find what works best for their unique needs and goals.

Addressing the Divide within the Carnivore Community

James acknowledges the divide within the carnivore community regarding certain aspects of the diet, such as the inclusion of organ meats. He emphasises the importance of respecting individual choices and preferences when it comes to dietary decisions. While he personally finds value in incorporating organ meats for their nutrient density, he encourages others to do what works best for them and their specific health circumstances.

Oxalate Dumping and Adjustments

Understanding the concept of oxalate dumping:

  • Oxalate dumping refers to the release of stored oxalates in the body when transitioning to a low oxalate or carnivore diet.
  • When we consume a diet high in oxalates, such as a plant-based diet, our body stores these oxalates in tissues.
  • When we reduce or eliminate oxalates from our diet, the body begins to release these stored oxalates, which can lead to temporary symptoms.

Experiencing symptoms and making adjustments to the diet:

  • During the oxalate dumping process, individuals may experience symptoms such as fatigue, muscle pain, joint pain, headaches, and digestive issues.
  • It's important to understand that these symptoms are temporary and a sign that the body is detoxifying and eliminating stored oxalates.
  • If the symptoms become severe or unbearable, it may be necessary to slow down the detoxification process by incorporating some low oxalate fruits or increasing carbohydrate intake temporarily.

Incorporating low oxalate fruits for balance:

  • Adding low oxalate fruits, such as blueberries, bananas, and melons, can help provide additional nutrients and antioxidants while minimising oxalate intake.
  • These fruits can be included in the diet to support overall health and balance while allowing the body to continue eliminating excess oxalates.

Personal experience with oxalate dumping and recovery:

  • Individual experiences with oxalate dumping can vary, as the process depends on the individual's overall health, diet history, and detoxification capacity.
  • Some individuals may experience mild symptoms for a short period, while others may have a more prolonged detoxification process.
  • It's important to listen to your body, make adjustments as needed, and work with a healthcare professional or nutritionist to ensure a safe and effective transition.


As James's journey demonstrates, listening to one's body and finding what works best is essential for optimal health and healing. His experience with the carnivore diet showcases the transformative effects of dietary changes and the impact of diet on overall well-being.

The carnivore diet provided James with rapid healing, improved mental clarity, stabilised mood, and increased energy levels. By incorporating more animal-based nutrition into his diet, he was able to address his health issues and regain his strength and vitality.

James's story highlights the importance of individual experimentation when it comes to finding the right diet for one's unique needs and goals. What works for one person may not work for another, and it is crucial to listen to the body and make adjustments accordingly.

Acknowledging the impact of diet on overall health and well-being is essential for personal growth and healing. Exploring different dietary options and finding what works best for individual circumstances can lead to transformative effects and optimal health.

James encourages others to explore dietary options for their own healing and to appreciate the carnivore diet's potential benefits. While acknowledging the divide within the carnivore community, he emphasises the importance of respecting individual choices and finding what works best for each person's specific health circumstances.

Overall, James's journey from a plant-based diet to the carnivore diet highlights the significance of personalised dietary choices and the transformative power of finding what works best for one's own body.

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