Getting health advice on the internet (from random strangers)? - Ep 12

Getting health advice on the internet (from random strangers)? - Ep 12

Getting advice from random strangers on the internet. Like many people I'm on social media, of course, I'm on YouTube, but also Reddit, Facebook, Instagram etc. And I stumbled across so many threads where people are encouraging each other to eat utter garbage, processed foods, and just blatantly dangerous food, telling each other it's good for them.


The Risks of Getting Health Advice Online


Today, we are going to discuss the risks associated with seeking health advice online. While it may seem convenient to turn to the internet for answers, it is important to be cautious about the credibility of the sources you encounter. In this blog, we will explore the dangers of relying on untrained individuals who offer health advice without proper knowledge or expertise.

The Problem with Online Health Forums

One popular platform where people seek health advice is Reddit. However, not all subreddits can be trusted when it comes to nutritional guidance. Subreddits such as r/nutrition and r/healthyfood often contain posts promoting unhealthy eating habits, such as consuming excessive sugar, soda, and beer. These posts are often upvoted, perpetuating the spread of misinformation.

An example of this can be seen in a recent Reddit thread where a comment claiming that sugar doesn't cause type 2 diabetes received numerous upvotes. This false information can mislead individuals who are genuinely seeking accurate nutritional advice. It is crucial to be aware of the potential harm that can arise from relying on such sources.

The Danger of Unqualified Advice

The internet is filled with self-proclaimed experts who lack the necessary qualifications to provide reliable health advice. While some may argue that these individuals may still possess some knowledge, it is important to recognize the potential risks of following their recommendations blindly. Unlike healthcare professionals who undergo extensive training, these self-proclaimed experts may not have the expertise to differentiate between accurate and false information.

One cannot assume that the information provided by unqualified individuals is reliable or safe. For instance, someone seeking advice about leg cramps on a Carnival group received suggestions from random strangers without considering the possibility of an underlying medical condition. It was only when a healthcare professional intervened that the person learned they might be suffering from Peripheral Arterial Disease. This example highlights the potential dangers of accepting unqualified advice.

The Problem with Echo Chambers

Another issue that arises in online communities is the formation of echo chambers. These echo chambers consist of like-minded individuals who reinforce each other's opinions without considering opposing views. In this context, it can be dangerous to rely solely on the advice of a single group or community. Narrow perspectives can lead to the dissemination of inaccurate information and hinder critical thinking.

The Responsibility of the Seeker

While it is important to acknowledge the risks of seeking health advice online, it is equally crucial to emphasize the responsibility of the individual seeking such advice. Instead of blindly trusting strangers on the internet, it is essential to conduct thorough research and evaluate the credibility of the sources. Look for healthcare professionals, dietitians, or nutritionists who have the necessary qualifications and experience.

However, it is essential to strike a balance. Seeking advice solely from professionals within one's preferred camp may result in an echo chamber. Therefore, it is important to interact with a diverse range of sources and critically evaluate the information provided.

The Importance of Research

When seeking health advice, it is crucial to conduct your own research. Verify the credentials of the individuals providing the information and look for reputable sources. For example, in the case of a healthcare professional, you can verify their medical registration and educational background. Researching the author's previous works and publications can also provide insights into their expertise.


While the internet offers a vast array of information, it is important to approach online health advice with caution. Relying on untrained individuals who lack proper knowledge can lead to misinformation and potentially harmful consequences. Instead, seek advice from qualified professionals, conduct thorough research, and critically evaluate the information you encounter. Your health and well-being deserve evidence-based, reliable guidance.

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